I started meditating on my own accord from age 16. Falling asleep used to be extremely difficult for me, due to my existential fears and I had read somewhere that meditation helped. It did and it still does. Not so much for falling asleep anymore – my childhood fears have been lifted – but to bring peace in my mind, body and reality.
My childhood fears manifested in the evening when everybody was in bed. I had suffered from severe nightmares which I remembered very vividly. In one particular dream I saw my own death in the mirror, followed by images of a suffering Christ and ending with me sitting on my bed with a monk sitting next to me to calm me down. Later I realised I myself was that monk, easing down my little self.
I also fell victem to movies a child should never had seen. Movies like Poltergeits & Carrie. All about the paranormal – but not in a positive sence.
The simple counting of my breath and/or focussing it, calmed down my young, scared mind and helped me to much needed sleep.
Later in life I took the 8-week mindfulness course and used it ever since in my dayly life and my work.

This is the only book I read three times in my whole life.
It is thàt good!
Nobody explains the Ego like Echkart Tolle does.
His esplanation of the painbody (the emotional counterpart of the ego) is the best image I have ever come across and explains perfectly how people are sometimes overpowered with victem energy (depression) or supremacy energy (anger).
In the early stages of my development, these teachings have been life saving for me and gave me tools to not be a victem of my own emotions and whenever an egostructure together with a monumentous painpody arose – just by knowing what it was – having the wave pass over me, without bringing outher people into the picture.
This work is so powerful – it safed my life on many occasions!
“If it is hysterical, it is historical”.
Eckhart Tolle is the master of The Power of Now.
In the Now, All is Well, if it’s not Well, it’s not Now.

Neale Donald Walsch and his Conversations with God, were my first introduction into talking seriously to and about God.
I do not like the word God all too much, because of the way it has been misused all over history to justify peoples judgement, hate and war.
This series however, is amazing.
It came to me in a moment of great despair, during my first suicidal depression.
It is a Q&A formed book that talks in one of the most sensible ways I have ever heard talking about and to God.
It puts humans in their responsibility state and asks common questions about cause and effect.
It made me surrender to the benevolant will of the universe and in that moment I declared myself becoming the best servant I could be and that I would do whatever it took.
I have been consciously guided ever since and I don’t regret it for one second.

Baron questions your thinking in the most soft but to the point way I have ever come across.
The basic idea is: if I’m fighting my reality, I am mad.
This is very true, because in the Here and Now, everything IS as it IS.
Fighting what is, is a fight you will always lose.
That does not mean you cannot take measures to change any given reality, but the point is to take decent actions from a place of acceptance and peace and not out of (severe) discomfort and fighting.
Byron works with 4 questions to challenge your thinking concerning any given topic and the last question is the most liberating one, meaning, “What does this fight mean, if I turn it around. What if I change my fight into something I can work on myself?”.
That is true empowerment. How can I not want to change the other, but myself.
This technique is also what is used in 12-step programms – step 4 to be correct – where they “work” the resentments of a person.

The Masters of the Law of Attraction.
Hands Down.
Mike Drop.
I studies the material of Esther Hicks and Abraham for many years.
I also attended 4 of their cruises, where I was immersed in their material.
If you want to know how to manifest – this is the material.
When I was actively applying their material – my quality of life went up tremendously.
I became healthier, wealthier and happier.
Also they are Masters who teach about the Here and Now.
Bassically, the point is, if you learn to be happy in the here and now, which essentially means, stop fighting what is, then the life of your dreams must manifest.
I endorse this material fully, though there is one topic that Abraham does not cover, and that is traumawork. For that I endorse fully Matt Kahn, Pete Walker and Gabor Maté.

Matt Kahn saved my life – Period.
To me, what he does is, healing your core wounds.
With Love.
And very soft and gentle, but to the point words.
He is the Healer of the Inner Child.
The one who paves the way for your Heart to open (again).
He teaches you how to Love your self.
Even if you hate yourself.
Or your Life.
Best teacher and healer on the planet right now.

Trauma and Addiction go hand in hand.
Where there is no trauma, there is no addiction.
Gebor Maté shares his observations and wisdom from his own lifelong docters practice, working with addicts.
This work helps people identify the real source of their issues.
In my perspectives, both need to be adressed.
Trauma is the source of addiction. Or the cause.
It however is not an excuse to keep destroying yourself with addiction.
Maté endorses 12-Step Programms.
So do I.
You have to work on the trauma, but the abuse needs to stop too.

Peter Walker is the Master of the saying: “If it’s Hysterical, it’s Hystorical”.
CPTSD means, dat due to a diciifult childhood, often with abusive and/or neglecting parents (on a physical or an emotional level), people get emotional backflashes when something in their adult life triggers them and they over react.
Pete shares stories of his own childhood which make this work very recognisable.
Important in this work is to know that if you lived in a clean house, were fed and clothed and went to school, does not mean that you necessarily had a good childhood.
I myself had these things.
But my father was a narcissistic, angry alcoholic and my mother was addicted to him.
She also used her slapping hand quite a lot, to get her point across to her children.
As I got into spirituality very early in my process, I jumped to Forgiveness way too early.
Pete Walker showed me that for true Forgiveness to happen, Anger and Grief need to be addressed first in a safe space, or they will keep on counter-dict your Peace.